6 Ways To Prevent Germs From Entering Your New Home Before Move (Part 1)
We all are familiar with masks by now and I don’t have to explain why we need them. Movers will be in your home and chances are you will be side by side with them. When you greet each other bump elbows or simply say hello without the handshake.
6 Ways To Prevent Germs From Entering Your New Home Before you Move (Part 1)
Your Body Contains Plenty of Bacteria
Not all bacteria are harmful — your body contains plenty of bacteria that don’t make you sick. But some can be found throughout your home and make you sick, including:
The coronavirus may be here forever, even if it is not; other germs and viruses exist also.
Some studies suggest couches and chairs can be dirtier than a toilet seat. How do you prevent or reduce the likelyhood of transferring other’s germs or cooties inside your home?
Says EPluribus Massey owner of Stage Professional Movers, “moving OKC without COVID19 takes preparation and decreases the customer’s chances of being exposed to germs by common-sense methods”